Understanding Marine Conservation Areas in Indonesia

Understanding Marine Conservation Areas in Indonesia

One of the most crucial obstacles to development in the marine conservation sector is the lack of real knowledge about the importance, liabilities, and connections of marine systems. Research shows that the public is not equipped with good knowledge about marine issues and access to marine literacy as a viable field of study and career path has historically been uneven.

What is Marine Literacy?

While the definition certainly varies between publications, simply put, marine literacy is knowledge about the impact of the ocean on humans and the world as a whole. It is how aware one is of the marine environment and how the balance and health of the ocean can ultimately affect everyone, along with general knowledge about the ocean and the life that inhabits it, its structure, its role, and how to communicate about it.

Marine Conservation for the Balance of Marine Biota

Have we ever thought about how to manage the ocean from various human needs? Starting from the need for utilization (fishing, tourism, factories, etc.) to the need for protection of the ocean.

The Indonesian government has a set of steps to manage the national seas in Indonesia, one of which is control by dividing areas or regions for certain needs.

In the idea of ​​maintaining, preserving, and protecting a place in the ocean, the term Marine Conservation Area (KKP) or Marine Conservation Area (KKL) is known. The sea area decided by the government with that term refers to a series of provisions, procedures, and prohibitions as decided in the government’s regulatory documents relating to the sea area.

Marine Conservation Area Categories

In the marine conservation areas listed, there are 3 Ministerial Provisions which have been further standardized and regulated in PERMEN KP 31/2020. The following 3 categories are Parks, Sanctuaries and Maritime Conservation Areas.

  1. “Park” Category

The determination of marine conservation areas with the park category has the aim of protecting, conserving, and utilizing biodiversity and/or fish resources. Its role is to maintain and improve the quality of biodiversity. Determination of the “Park” Category is carried out with the following requirements:

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  • Having an area that supports the continuity of ecological processes naturally and can be managed sustainably;
  • Having the potential as a natural world heritage;
  • Having aquatic biodiversity, unique natural events or natural local wisdom, and having high retrievability, and having a great opportunity to support the increase in sustainable marine nature tourism;
  • Having a coastal area or small island that is sufficient to ensure the sustainability of the strength of coastal resources and several small islands;
  • The surrounding conditions provide support for efforts to increase marine nature tourism, sustainable fisheries, traditional fishing, and environmentally friendly fish farming;
  • Having a representation of the original or natural coastal ecosystem.
  1. “Sanctuary” Category

The determination of marine conservation areas with the “sanctuary” category has the aim of protecting, conserving, and utilizing biodiversity and/or fish resources. Its role is to maintain and improve the quality of fish resources. The determination of the Sanctuary Category is carried out with the following requirements:

  • Having one type of fish that is unique, unique, very rare, epidemic, or almost extinct in its community that requires protection and conservation efforts so that its changes can be maintained naturally;
  • Having a wide community of target species that supports the continuity of the life transition of the target species;
  • A place to live and breed a certain type of fish that is important to protect and preserve;
  • Having one type of Ecosystem as a community of a certain type of fish that is still relatively natural;
  • The surrounding conditions support efforts to improve sustainable fisheries.
  1. Category “Maritime Conservation Area”

The determination of marine conservation areas with the category of maritime conservation areas has the aim of protecting, conserving, and utilizing traditional cultural sites. Its role is to maintain and increase the value of maritime cultural heritage and several traditional values ​​or local wisdom. Determination of the category of maritime conservation areas is carried out with the following requirements:

  • Areas managed by traditional legal communities that have been given management;
  • Coastal areas or several small islands that are managed according to certain traditions, local wisdom, or traditional rights;
  • Places where ships have sunk that have archaeological value;
  • Maritime historical sites;
  • Places of religious or traditional rituals.


Marine conservation is an important effort to maintain marine ecosystems and the natural resources in them. With marine conservation, it is hoped that marine ecosystems will remain sustainable and various species of marine organisms can live in harmony without being threatened with extinction. The active role of the community is also needed in marine conservation efforts in order to achieve optimal success. Here, Bali Dolphin Marine Park (BEMP) is also one of the marine ecosystem supports for education and conservation which is always carried out, especially for children so that they can really get to know marine resources.

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