8 Tips for Vacation in Bali for Beginners

8 Tips for Vacation in Bali for Beginners

Bali is one of the Indonesian provinces that is popular for its natural beauty. Although it looks modern and exotic, you can find a strong culture, such as traditional houses, customs, and ceremonies that have been carried out by some of its residents.

It is not surprising that the Island of the Gods is always on the list of dream tourist destinations for everyone, both for local and foreign tourists. Are you one of those who want to vacation in Bali for the first time?

List of Preparations for Vacation in Bali for Beginners

Well, to make your vacation in Bali more enjoyable, read some of the guides that we have collected from various sources below.

  1. Prepare Travel Ideas

Before going to Bali, make a list of plans, starting from what to go by, how long the vacation will be, the tourist attractions you want to visit, to the facilities for staying overnight in Bali.

As a start, you can collect information from the Bali Provincial Tourism Office website. Thus, you can get recommendations about tourist destinations that you can visit.

  1. Pack the Most Necessary Clothes and Items

If you have made a vacation plan, the next step is to prepare your belongings while in Bali.

Released from The Trusted Traveller, you should bring clothes made of natural fibers to keep you cool. Moreover, Bali is popular with exotic beach tourism. If you plan to climb a mountain, prepare a good jacket and shoes.

  1. Determine the Right Vacation Day

Choosing the time and day of vacation to Bali should be right. The best time to visit Bali is from May to October. Because, it rarely rains and the sun is not so hot. So, you can enjoy the beauty of Bali’s beaches!

  1. Book Tickets and Hotels Well in Advance

Approaching the holidays, flight ticket prices can go up. To avoid this, book tickets and hotel reservations well in advance online. If you are lucky enough, you can get promotions for booking flight tickets and hotels, you know!

  1. Rent a Vehicle

If you don’t bring your own vehicle, you can try to rent a vehicle. Taken from The Trusted Traveller, there are several vehicle rental services in Bali that offer affordable prices.

Just make sure that the vehicle is insured and in good condition. To be more comfortable and safe, you can also hire a local driver to take you around Bali.

However, if you are only traveling for a short time, taxis or online transportation are good options.

  1. Enjoy Balinese Specialties

In addition to having many attractive tourist attractions to visit, Balinese specialties cannot be missed. Of course, a vacation to Bali is not complete if you haven’t tried sate lilit, lawar, nasi jinggo, to duck betutu.

  1. Follow the Traditions of the Place

Have you ever heard the saying “where the earth is stepped on, there the sky is upheld”? Well, you can apply this concept when on vacation to Bali. In terms of its beauty and natural attractions, Bali is popular for places with higher religiosity.

When visiting a holy temple, wear modest and closed clothes. Furthermore, continue to behave politely and respect the culture of the place.

  1. Watching Bali Dolphins

For novice travelers, you should not miss out on trying to watch Bali Dolphins. Because here you can get a lot of education about dolphins and it will be an anti-mainstream holiday to Bali. Later you can try many dolphin programs with your beloved family.

8 Tips for Vacation in Bali for Beginners

The location for watching Bali Dolphins is precisely at Bali Exotic Marine Park, which is close to the Kuta area, Seminyak and Ngurah Rai airport. Please enjoy your holiday to Bali with the tips above, it will definitely be exciting and impressive.

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